The Little Tea Servers & Children's Tea Ceremony

Jul. 2023

Chong Hong Culture and Education Foundation
The Little Tea Servers 

About Us
Chong Hong Culture and Education Foundation was established by Chong Hong Construction Company in 2013.
We’ve worked on the environmental education (architecture), aesthetic education(tea culture)and reading education. And through the charity and social services, we developed the cross-generational transmission of value and kindness based on parent-child relationship to create a life circle of happiness.

Core of the Education and Charity
Since the inception, promoting tea culture to children has been the main axis of the aesthetics, and we give cares and notices to the children in need of assistance to bring the entrepreneurial spirits to our society. Doing charity and social work are also the core value that the foundation has emphasized. We offer trainings to the children from children’s welfare organizations so they can join the “Little Tea Server Volunteer Club” after their trainings. From there, they will grow up and live a life with “tea” around them.

Our foundation nurtures the children from welfare organizations to be ” Little Tea Servers” , and we hold different types of tea parties every year to let them practice what they′ve learned. Therefore, these young tea servers would also learn about teamwork and know about their jobs and responsibilities. We hope they will grow into those people who share and take responsibility.

Chong Hong Culture and Education Foundation &「+++TEA Space」
A Sensory Journey with Taiwanese Tea in Venice Biennale of Architecture 2023.
Children's Tea Ceremony Reservation

We’ve been cultivating the children's tea party for ten years and we plan to bring it to the world in the year of 2023. So these trained young tea servers from the welfare organizations will be able to broaden their vision. During the tea serving ceremony, the well-known agricultural products-FRUIT, will also be shown and served to foreign friends. It’s not just a show performed by the tea servers,  our guests would be able to see and experience the beauty of Taiwan through the vision of children. 

◆ Date: A:Aug.5, 2023 (Sat)18:00-19:00 / B:Aug.6, 2023(Sun)18:00-19:00
 Location:Marinaressa Gardens「+++TEA Space」(Riva dei Sette Martiri, 1364, 30122 Venezia VE, Italy)
 Reservation10 seats per session
▶ Registration Form:

▼「+++TEA Space」Circular Tea Event uses Taiwan’s tea serving culture as the carrier to introduce Taiwan’s creative and diverse tea culture to the world. 

Venues:Marinaressa Gardens

◆ 「+++TEA Space」Project website
◆ 「 TIME SPACE EXISTENCEE」uropean Cultural Centre Italy 2023

◆ Tel: +886 2 2396 3280 ext 187

長虹教育基金會 小小奉茶師



長虹教育基金會 x 「+++TEA Space」
兒童茶會 席次預約

基金會在台灣耕耘兒童茶會已十年光陰,2023年規劃走向國際,帶著社福機構的小茶人們開拓視野,於「+++TEA SPACE 循環茶事」奉茶展演中,將結合臺灣知名的農產品-水果,讓與會的國際友人們品嘗臺灣特殊地理的風土味,並以孩子的視野與世界分享屬於臺灣的美與風味。

◆ 預約場次: A:2023.8.5 (六)18:00-19:00 / B:2023.8.6 (日)18:00-19:00
 茶會地點:義大利威尼斯, Marinaressa Gardens「+++TEA Space」(Riva dei Sette Martiri, 1364, 30122 Venezia VE, Italy)
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